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Is the YAML format used by ruby-i18n and the format implemented by all of the internationalization libraries in Crystal prior to Lens. See here for more information regarding the format.

Ruby YAML has support for plurals, defined with CLDR data. This means that it can handle plural forms of both Integers and floating point numbers. However, this has not been added to Lens as of writing. Expect to see it in either v0.2.0 or v0.3.0.

Using Ruby YAML

The Ruby YAML backend is the CrystalI18n::I18n1. To initialize, simply pass in the locale directory:

catalogue ="locales")

Now, we can begin translating!

The most basic syntax for translating is just the #translate method. Simply pass in the language code for that specific locale and the key for the specific translation.

catalogue.translate("en", "translation") # => "Translated Message"
catalogue.translate("en", "I don't exist!") # raises LensExceptions::MissingTranslation


If you'd like to use Ruby YAML monolingually, you can use the #select method to set a specific language for translations."en")
catalogue.translate("translation") # => "Translated Message"

Nested keys can be accessed by separating routes with .

catalogue.translate("en", "nested_key.forth.forth-third.forth-third-fifth.4344")


Messages requiring plurals are handled by passing in a number to the #translate method:

catalogue.translate("en", "possessions.fruits.apples", 50) # => "I have 50 apples"
catalogue.translate("en", "possessions.fruits.apples", 1)  # => "I have 1 apple"

Plural-Rules follows CLDR (integers-only for now) and is pre-defined in lens for many languages. If your language isn't included in lens you many define (or even overwrite) a new plural-rule through the CrystalI18n.define_rule method

  CrystalI18n.define_rule("ar", ->(n : Int32 | Int64 | Float64) {
  when n == 0             then "zero"
  when n == 1             then "one"
  when n == 2             then "two"
  when 3..10 === n % 100  then "few"
  when 11..99 === n % 100 then "many"
  else                         "other"


Interpolation is done through keyword arguments in the #translate method

# message is 'Hello there, my name is %{name} and I'm a %{profession}`.
result = catalogue.translate("en", "introduction.messages", name: "Steve", profession: "programmer")
result # => "Hello there, my name is Steve and I'm a programmer"


If the value at the given path (key) turns out to be an array then you can pass in the iter argument to select a specific value at the given index

catalogue.translate("en", "items.foods", iter: 2) # => "Hamburger"

  1. CrystalI18n::I18n really isn't a good name. It was mainly just choosen since all internationalization shards prior to Lens were based off of that format. This will get renamed in v0.2.0