class CrystalI18n::I18n


DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, reference_locale : String = "en") #

DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

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Instance Method Detail

def create #

DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

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def define_rule(locale : String, value : Int32 | Int64 | Float64 -> String) #

DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

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def localize(locale : String, time : Time, format : String) #

DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

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def plural_rules : Hash(String, Int32 | Int64 | Float64 -> String) #

DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

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def select(locale) #

DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

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def translate(key : String, count : Int | Float? = nil, iter : Int? = nil, scope : Indexable(String) | String? = nil, **kwargs) #

DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

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def translate(locale : String, key : String, count : Int | Float? = nil, iter : Int? = nil, scope : Indexable(String) | String? = nil, **kwargs) #

DEPRECATED CrystalI18n::I18n has been renamed to RubyI18n::Yaml

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